英文版《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):05

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英文版《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):05

2023-10-29 05:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Lao-Tzu(also known as Laozi or Lao-Tze) was a Chinese philosopher credited with founding the philosophical system of Taoism. He is best known as the author of the Tao-Te-Ching, the work which exemplifies his thought. The name by which he is known is not a personal name but an honorific title meaning `Old Man’ or `Old Teacher’ and there has been countless speculation as to whether an individual by that name ever existed or whether Lao-Tzu is an amalgam of many different philosophers. The historian Durant writes, “Lao-Tze, greatest of the pre-Confucian philosophers, was wiser than Teng Shih; he knew the wisdom of silence, and lived, we may be sure, to a ripe old age – though we are not sure that he lived at all” (652). If he did exist, he is thought to have lived in the 6th century BCE.

A monumental statue at Mt. Qingyuan of Lao-Tzu, the Chinese philosopher who lived c. 500 BCE and who is credited with founding Daoism (Taosim).

The Tao-Te-Ching

The Tao-Te-Ching (Book of the Way) is an anti-intellectual, anti-authoritarian treatise which posits that the way of virtue lies in simplicity and a recognition of a natural, universal force known as the Tao. Lao-Tzu writes, “When we renounce learning we have no troubles…The ancients who showed their skill in practising the Tao did so not to enlighten people, but to make them simple and ignorant.” By `ignorant’ Lao-Tzu did not mean uninformed but, rather, purposefully focused on the present rather than accumulating knowledge which leads to idle speculation and complications in one’s own life and in the larger community. Lao-Tzu’s Taoism stood in direct contradiction to Confucius’ philosophy emphasizing education, knowledge as power, and strict adherence to the law. Lao-Tzu’s claim that “the more laws one makes, the more criminals one creates” is the antithesis of Confucius’s assertion that more laws make better citizens.

The religion of Taoism, which advocated adherence to the universal Tao long before the Tao-Te-Ching, was practised through ancestor worship and an acknowledgement of the natural law of the Tao in all things. Confucianism, which refused to speculate on universal unknowns, served as a practical guide to living well through emphasis on law and proper behaviour. Lao-Tzu’s writings clarified and codified an underlying philosophy to the belief in a universal force while condemning the laws which attempted to regulate that force in the lives of human beings.

According to Taoism (Daoism), all human beings are naturally good but are corrupted by law and an incorrect belief in how they are supposed to behave in society. By regulating people’s behaviour through law, government only makes them behave badly because it creates an artificial environment which human beings rebel against in an effort to maintain their natural state of harmony. If one observes the Tao, and submits to the natural flow of energy in the universe, one will be at peace. Resistance to the Tao is exemplified through the creation of laws which keep people from behaving in accordance with their natures which, if left unregulated and unrestricted, would tend toward goodness and peace. Lao-Tzu maintained, as did Teng Shih (his contemporary or elder), that people behaved badly because they were forced to through poor government and unjust laws.

Recognizing that human beings act out of self-interest, Lao-Tzu still felt that, if left alone, they would harmonize whatever disputes arose through adherence to the natural rhythm of the universe. He wrote,

If you do not quarrel, no one on earth will be able to quarrel with you. Recompense injury with kindness. To those who are good I am good, and to those who are not good I am also good; thus all get to be good. To those who are sincere I am sincere, and to those who are not sincere I am also sincere; and thus all get to be sincere…The softest thing in the world dashes against and overcomes the hardest. There is nothing in the world softer or weaker than water, and yet for attacking things that are firm and strong there is nothing that can take precedence of it. ( by Joshua J. Mark )


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001. 鹅妈妈童谣


003.《Down by the station 》在车站

004.《The Very Hungry Caterpillar- by Eric Carle》好饿好饿的毛毛虫

005.《Go Away Mr Wolf》三只小猪和野狼的故事

006.《Goodnight Moon 》月亮晚安

007.《Five Little Ducks 》五只小鸭子

008.《Ten fat sausages》肥香肠

009.《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 》

010.《The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round》

011.《Does a kangaroo have a mother ,too? 》

012.《I am the music man 》我是一个音乐家

013.《Silly sally 》倒着走的女孩

014.《Here we go round the mulberry bush 》一起出发到桑树丛

015.《Roise's walk 》母鸡萝丝去散步

016.《We're going on a bear hunt》我们要去捉狗熊

017.《The Journey Home from Grandpa’s》从爷爷家回来的路上

018.《Walking Through the Jungle》穿过丛林

019.《 Is your mama a llama?》你的妈妈是驼羊吗?

020.《The Napping House 》打瞌睡的房子

021.《Each Peach Pear Plum》桃子、李子和梅子

022.《I'm a caterpillar 》美丽的蝴蝶是怎么来的?

023. 《I am an apple 》苹果是怎么来的呢?

024.《One fish two fish red fish blue fish》一条鱼两条鱼红色的鱼蓝色的鱼

025.《Dr. Seuss' ABC 苏斯博士的ABC》

026.《The Princess And The Dragon》公主与飞龙

027.《kipper's A to Z》小狗小猪的字母探险记

028.《The Very Quiet Cricket》好安静的蟋蟀

029.《We All Go Traveling By》我们都去旅行

030.《The Mixed-up Chameleon》变色龙

031.《Today is Monday》今天是星期一

032.《Draw me a star》给我画星星

033.《HOP on POP》在爸爸身上蹦来跳去

034.Ape in A Cape:An Alphabet of Odd Animals

035.《Five Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree》五只小猴子坐在树上

036.苏斯系列Fox in Socks《穿袜子的狐狸》

037.《The Big Hungry Bear》大饿熊

038.《kipper's A to Z》小狗小猪的字母探险记

039.《Draw me a star》给我画星星

040.《The Foot Book》千奇百怪的脚

041.《A Color of His Own》

042.《The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse》有位画家画了一匹蓝色的马



001.《Alice the fairy》小仙女艾丽斯

002.《Guess how much I love you 》猜猜我有多爱你


粉红猪 系列

001.Peppa Pig 粉红猪小妹佩奇学儿歌

002.Peppa Pig ABC 粉红猪小妹佩奇学字母!

003.Muddy Puddles

004.Mr. Dinosaur is Lost.

005.Best Friend好朋友

006.《Polly parrot》波丽鹦鵡

007.《hide and seek.》捉迷藏

008.《 The Playgroup》上学去

009.《Mummy Pig at_Work》妈咪的电脑

010.《Piggy in the Middle》接球

011.《 Gardening》种子变大树

012.《Daddy Loses his Glasses》爸爸的眼镜

013.《 Hiccups》打嗝

014.《 Bicycles》脚踏车

015.《 Flying a Kite》放风筝

016.《 Secrets》秘密

017.《 Picnic》野餐

018.《Musical Instruments 》乐器演奏

019.《Frogs and Worms and Butterflies》青蛙,蝴蝶,虫虫

020.《 Dressing Up》打扮

021.《 New Shoes》新鞋子

022.《 The School Fete》园游会

023.《 Mummy Pigs Birthday》妈妈猪的生日

024.《The Tooth Fairy》牙仙子

025.《The New Car》新车

026.《Treasure Hunt》寻宝记

027.《 Not Very Well》佩佩生病了

028.《 Snow》下雪了

029.《 Windy Castle 》温帝城堡

030.《 My Cousin Chloe》柯洛伊堂姐

031.《 Pancakes》松饼


033.《Ballet Lesson》芭蕾课


035.《Cleaning the car》洗车记


037.《 Camping》露营

038.《 The Sleepy Princess》爱睡公主

039.《 The Tree House》树屋

040.《 Fancy Dress Party》化妆舞会

041.《 The Museum》博物馆

042.《 Very Hot Day 》大热天

043.《 Chloe’s puppet show 》柯洛伊的木偶戏

044.《 Daddy Gets Fit 》爸爸减肥记

045.《 Tidying Up 》 收拾房间

046.《 The Playground》 游乐场

047.《Daddy_Puts_up_a_Picture》 爸爸挂图画

048.《Mister Skinnylegs》 细腿先生

049.《 Grandpa Pig's Boat》 爷爷猪的船

050.《 ShoppingShopping》 买东西

051.《 Daddy’S Movie camera》 爸爸的摄影机

052.《 At the Beach》 海滩



001.Goodbye,My Friends!

002.Go Away!

003.《make a circle》 围成一个圈圈

004.《one little finger 》 一个小指头

005.《IF you are happy》 如果你快乐

006.《Walking Walking》走啊走

007.《Days Of The Week Song》

008.《I see something blue 》我看到一些蓝色的东西

009.《The Bath Song 》洗澡歌

010.《Ten in the bed》十个小朋友在床上

011.《Five little monkeys 》五只小猴子

012.《Put on Your Shoes》穿衣歌

013.《Five little speckled frogs》

014.what do you want for Christmas

015.《see you later》下次再见

016.《Sweet Dreams》甜蜜的梦

017.《count and move》数数歌

018.《how’s the weather》今天天气怎么样?

019.《One potato, two potatoes》数土豆歌

020.《The Eensey Weensey Spider》小蜘蛛

021.《 Rock scissors paper 》石头剪刀布

022.《 who took the cookie?》谁拿走了饼干?

023.《 The wheels on the bus》 公交车转啊转

024.《 Counting Bananas 》 数香蕉歌

025.《The hokey pokey shake》 动作歌

026.《Trick or Treat》万圣节歌曲

027.《ystery box》 神秘的盒子

028.《Hide and Seek 》捉迷藏

029.《 See You Later Alligator》 再见,鳄鱼

030.《hello hello 》 你好

031.《open shut them 》打开手,合上手


033.《圣诞特辑Jingle Bells》


035.《we all fall down》我们都倒下了



038.《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》一闪一闪小星星

039.《Do Re Mi》

040.《The number song》

041.《Walking Walking》

042.《Apple round, Apple red 》苹果是圆的,苹果是红色的

043.《Ten little dinosaurs》十只小恐龙

044.《I Can Sing a Rainbow》我会唱彩虹歌

045.《Yankee Doodle》

046.《count and move》数数歌

047.《The Ants go Marching!》

048.《clean up》打扫歌

049.《Apple Tree》

050.《how’s the weather》今天天气怎么样?

051.《Five little speckled frogs》


053.《Number song 》小猪猪数数字

054.《Pop Goes the Weasel》

055.《days of week》星期认知

056.《Ten Little Indians》

057.《Follow Me》 跟我来

058.《Happy Birthday 》生日快乐

059.《Rain Rain Go Away》

060.《three jellyfish》 三只水母

061.英文字母发声歌《The Letter Sound Song》

062.《Row Row Row Your Boat》动物认知

063.《A sailor went to sea》

064.合全家一起欢动的儿歌《Hokey pokey》

065.《cows in the kitchen》厨房里的牛

066.《Pop Goes the Weasel》

067.《Yes I can》我可以

068.《There are ten little bears 》十只小熊的故事

069.《Telling time song 》 学习时间

070.《This is the way we crave a pumpkin》

071.《One for you, one for me》

072.《This Little Piggy》

073.《Ten little turkeys》数字认知

074.《A turkey dance》火鸡舞

075.《All Things Bright and Beautiful》 万物有灵且美

076.英语高频词汇《High FrenqucyWords) 歌曲

077.《Things I am thankful for》

078.《Thanksgiving day》当当感恩节

079.《I'm a Little Snowman》 我是一个小雪人

080.《Snowflake Dance》雪花(舞蹈)

081.《Up On The Housetop》 圣诞老人要来镇上了

082.《New Year's Song》 新年之歌

083.《Mary had a little lamb》

084.《Good Morning Song》早安歌

085.《Animal Families》动物家庭

086.《Phonics Song 》英语自然拼读发音学习歌曲



001.《Tremendous TRACTORS》了不起的拖拉机

002.《ROARING ROCKETS》不可思议的火箭





001.《Waking Up》

002.《The New Puppy》一只小狗

003.《Frog Food》青蛙的食物

004.《the three pigs 》三只小猪


006.《Too Much Stuff》

007.《Ant Can't》 蚂蚁说不

008.《Eggs》 鸡蛋


010.《 The Very Busy Hen》 非常忙碌的母鸡!

011.《Flying》飞行 中英文阅读

012.《The Painte》画家



015.《The Wind and the Sun》风和太阳的故事


017.《Getting Dressed》穿衣

018.《Family Pictures 》全家福

019.《The Surprise》大熊的惊喜

020.《Chicken Little》一只忧天小鸡的故事

021.《Too Tall》太高了——长颈鹿的烦恼

022.《Autumn Zigzags》 蜿蜒的秋天


024.《Little Roundy Hen》圆圆的小母鸡

025.《This is my bear》这是我的熊

026.《Morning on the Farm》农场的早晨

027.《Picking Pumpkins》摘南瓜

028.《Pigs on Wheels》车轮上的小猪


030.《Parade Day》 游行日

031.《Goosey-Gog and Ducketty-Duck》小鹅和小鸭

032.《Puppy School》 小狗学校

033.《Sharing a Birthday》 分享生日

034.《Six Spotted Seals》 六只小海豹



001.《The big cat》一只大猫

002.《How many legs》多少条腿

003.《The sky is falling》 天空要掉下来了

004.《Get in 》进来



001.《Winnie In Space》温妮去太空

002.《Happy birthday Winnie》温妮生日快乐

003.《Winnie's Amazing Pumpkin》温妮的魔法南瓜

004.《Winnie's Flying Carpet》温妮的飞毯

005.《Winnie Flies Again》温妮又飞起来了



001.《Mercy Watson to the Rescue》小猪梅西就难第1章



001.《I Will Surprise My Friend!》给我朋友一个惊喜!



001.《Silly Willy》 好笑的威利

002.《Sammy The Seal》海豹萨米

003.《Danny and the Dinosaur go to camp》丹尼和恐龙去野营


I AM系列

001.《I Am Fire 》我是火

002.《I am Planet Earth》我是地球

003.《 I am a Rock》我是岩石


小公主 系列

001.《I Don't Want To Go To Hospital》 我不想去医院


自然拼读 系列












恐龙 系列

001.《how do dinosaurs say good night》恐龙是怎么道晚安的

002.《How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms?》恐龙是怎么打扫房间的?......

羊驼 系列

001.《Llama llama red pajama》穿红睡衣的拉玛

002.《Llama llama misses mama》骆驼拉玛想妈妈


鸽子 系列

001.【Pigeon Drive the Bus 】别让鸽子开巴士


瓢虫 系列

001.《Little Red Hen》红色小母鸡



001.《Happy Alphabet!》快乐的字母

002.《Too Many Cats》太多的猫


004.《My loose tooth》我要换牙啦

005.《Tiger is a scaredy cat》Tiger是个胆小鬼

006.《Cat Traps》 猫咪的陷阱

007.《Hot dog》热狗



001.《What a good kitty!》小毛怪养猫了!

002.《I was so Mad!》我好生气

003.《 I Just Forgot》我只是忘了

004.《Going to the Fire House》参观消防屋

005.《Baby Sister Says No》妹妹爱说“不”



001.《Maisy‘s Christmas Eve》



001.《What a bad dog!》

002.《Funny Fish》

003.《 A New Dog》一只新狗狗

004.《Kipper and the Giant》Kipper和巨人

005.《In the Garden》 花园奇遇记

006.《The Flying Elephant》会飞的象



001.《Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear》小饼干和走丢的泰迪熊

002.《Biscuit's Day at the Farm》小饼干在农场的一天

003.《Biscuit's Big Friend》小饼干的大朋友



001 《Three Little Pigs 》三只小猪

002.《The Big Turnip》拔萝卜

003.《The Ugly Duckling》丑小鸭

004.《Spring 》春天

005.《Little Red Riding Hood》小红帽

006.《The Paperboy》送报男孩

007.《The Fox and the Crow》乌鸦和狐狸

008.《The Rabbit And The Turtle》龟兔赛跑

009.《The rabbit and the two carrots 》兔子和两根萝卜

010.《The sun and wind 》太阳和风

011.《The Lion and the Mouse 》狮子和老鼠

012.《The OX and the Frogs 》公牛和青蛙

013.《The ants and the grasshopper 》蚂蚁和蚱蜢

014.《The flying turtle 》正在飞的乌龟

015.《The father ,his son and the donkey 》父亲、儿子和驴

016.《The old lion 》老狮子

017.《The foolish donkey 》愚蠢的驴子

018.《Belling the cat》老鼠开会

019.《The wolf and the house dog》狼和看家狗

020.《The son and his mother》儿子和他的母亲

021.《The bear's whisper 》熊的耳语

022.《The farmer and the eagle 》 农夫和鹰

023.《The shepherd boy》牧童

024.《The bear's whisper 》熊的耳语

025.《The Fashionable Crow》 时髦的乌鸦(双语字幕)

026.《The fox and the goat》 狐狸和山羊



029.《The Golden Ax 》金斧头

30.《Bear and Kangaroo》熊和袋鼠



001.《Eat Your Peas 》把你的豌豆吃了

002.《Where is your green sheep?》绿色的小羊在哪里?

003.《Diddle Diddle Dumpling》

004.《I Will Surprise My Friend!》给我朋友一个惊喜!

005.《Big Pumpkin》万圣节英文绘本

006.《I'll Always Love You》我永远爱你

007.Curious George,Fixes Betsys Wagon 好奇猴的故事

008.Curious George,Station Master 好奇猴的故事

009.《The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse》城里老鼠和乡下老鼠

010.《What is a noun?》什么是名词?

011.《Bear Snores On》打呼噜的熊——白天不醒,晚上不睡

012.《10 Little Rubber Ducks 》10只橡皮小鸭子

013.《A friend indeed》真正的朋友

014.《Nobunny’s Perfect》没有完美的小兔子

015.《Mole And The Baby Bird》鼹鼠和小鸟

016.《When I'm feeling loved》当我感受到爱

017.《Five Silly Fishermen》 五个傻渔夫

018.《King Rollo and the New Stockings》国王Rollo的新袜子

019.《I'll Always Love You》我永远爱你

020.《Little Pea》不吃糖的小豆子

021.《Friends Forever》 永远的朋友

022.《Little Red Hen》红色小母鸡

023.《Cat's Colors》猫咪的颜色

024.《Little Dog Lost》 迷途的小狗

025.《The Chatterbox Turtle》 喋喋不休的乌龟

026.《The Chilly Little Penguin》 怕冷的小企鹅

027.《Froggy Gets Dressed》 青蛙穿衣

028.《Take a smell》闻一闻

029.《All Kinds of Friends》 各种各样的朋友们

030.《I like to move》我喜欢动来动去

031.《Let’s Be Friends Again!》我们做回朋友吧!

032.《Bunny Tails》小兔子的尾巴

033.《There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly 》吞下苍蝇的老奶奶

034.《One Two Buckle My Shoe》 一,二 扣上我的鞋子

035.《The Rabbit's Tale》兔子的故事

036.《Fat cat on a mat》睡垫上的肥猫

037.《Bear on a bike》 骑自行车的小熊

038.《Liam Says Hi》 当Liam开始学着打招呼

039.《Troll Bridge》怪物之桥

040.《One Wide Sky》一片广阔的天空...

041.《Mrs Penguin's Perfect Palace》企鹅夫人的完美宫殿


043.《My Friend Rabbit》

044.《My Friends》(我的朋友)

045.《It's okay to be different》不一样没关系

046.《Love You Forever 》永远爱你

047.《A House for a Mouse》小老鼠找新家

048.《Bug on a rug》地毯上的小虫

049.《Cat and mouse in the rain》雨中作乐

050.《 Grug and his music 》瓜哥玩音乐

051.《Bear Stays Up For Christmas》大熊圣诞不冬眠

052.《What Daddies Do Best 》爸爸最擅长做的事

053.《I am a bunny》我是一只小兔子


055.《Ollie the Stomper》跺脚的奥利


057.《The Flying Elephant》会飞的象

058.《Where is My Candy》我的糖果去哪啦

059.《Cat and Mouse in the Night》猫咪老鼠在夜里

060.《Mouse Moves House》小老鼠搬家

061.《No Nap》不想睡午觉

062.《Maisy's Morning on the farm》小鼠波波早晨在农场

063.《Willy The Dreamer》梦想家威利

064.《“Slowly, Slowly, Slowly,” said the Sloth》一只动作很慢的树懒

065.《One Night in the Zoo》动物园之夜

066.《My Home》我的家

067.《Cat's Colors》猫咪的颜色

068.兰登分级伴读No.13《Tae kwon do!》

069.《Ducky and the Monsters》小黄鸭与小怪兽们

070.《Everyone Poops》每个人都会拉便便

071.《I Love You, Good Night 》我爱你,晚安

072.《Reading makes you feel good》阅读让人快乐

073.《The Sandcastle》沙塔

074.《Peppa's Chinese New Year》小猪佩琪的中国年

075.《小公主》绘本系列《I Want My Mum》我想要妈妈

076.《Little Red Hen》红色小母鸡

077.《Sports Day》小猪佩奇之运动会



080.《A Picnic In The Rain》雨中的野餐

081.《I See Shapes》我看见各种形状

082.《Hamster Home》仓鼠的家

083.《Jamberry》 浆果的世界

084.《Moon Zoom》飞到月亮上

085.伊索寓言《The Fashionable Crow》 时髦的乌鸦(双语字幕)


087.《Scary night》惊悚之夜

088.《Diary of A Worm》蚯蚓的日记

089.《Bye-Bye, Mom and Dad》爸爸妈妈再见咯

090.《Silly Suzy Goose》傻鹅苏西


092.《The Coyote and the Rabbit》小狼和兔子



095.《There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books》吞书的老太太

096.廖彩杏推荐《Goodnight Moon 》月亮晚安(中英文双语)

097.《Sharing a Birthday》 分享生日


099.《The Kissing Hand 》魔法亲亲


101.《Snowball Soup》雪球汤

102.海尼曼G1《The Painte》画家 中英文阅读

103.《Draw me a star》给我画星星,艾瑞-卡尔 绘本

104.《Have you seen my cat?》你看到我的猫了吗?

105.万圣节特辑《Five Little Pumpkins》提上“五个小南瓜”,来捣蛋~


107.万圣节英文绘本分享-Big Pumpkin

108.《Mouse's first snow》小老鼠的第一场雪

109.《The Mosquito and the Lion 》蚊子和狮子

110.自然拼读+科学启蒙 《I'm a caterpillar》我是一只毛毛虫

111.《How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?》恐龙是怎么吃饭的?

112.《What's the time, Mr. Wolf?》几点啦,狼先生?

113.《My World》我的世界



116.《It's okay to be different不一样没关系》

117.《Troll Bridge》怪物之桥

118.《Friends Forever》 永远的朋友

119.Llama llama misses mama-- 骆驼拉玛想妈妈

120.海尼曼G1《The Painte》画家 中英文阅读

121.《My Friend Is Sad 》我的朋友很伤心

122.《The Foot Book》千奇百怪的脚

123.《If you give a pig a pancake》如果你给小猪一块煎饼


125.自然拼读+科学启蒙 《I Am Fire 》我是火

126.《Sue Kangaroo》袋鼠Sue

127.《The Journey Home from Grandpa’s》从爷爷那儿回家的旅程


129.《The carrot seed》胡萝卜种子

130.《You Are (Not) Small》你(不)小


132.《Froggy Gets Dressed》 青蛙穿衣

133.《How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?》 小恐龙怎么说我爱你?

134.《Maisy Makes Lemonade》小鼠波波制作柠檬汁

135.Danny and the Dinosaur go to camp 丹尼和恐龙去野营

136.《I Love You A Rebus Pome》我爱你

137.《Five Little Men In A Flying Saucer》飞碟中的五个小人

138.温妮女巫系列《Winnie In Space》温妮去太空

139.《What Mommies Do Best》妈妈最擅长做什么?

140.《Me too!》我也要!

141.《Do you want to be my friend?》你想跟我做朋友吗?


143.《Just Me and My Puppy》只有我和我的小狗

144.《Cat Traps》 猫咪的陷阱



147.廖彩杏推荐《Henny Penny》让我们认识可爱但愚蠢的鸡鸭鹅们

148.《How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors?》恐龙是怎么学习颜色的

149.《Going to the Sea Park》去海洋公园

150.《 And If the Moon Could Talk》如果月亮会说话


152.《What a Bad Dream》可怕的梦


154.《Stuck in the Mud》陷进泥浆里

155.《When Sophie Gets Angry-Really,Really Angry...》菲菲生气了

156.《I'm the best》我最棒

157.《Goosey-Gog and Ducketty-Duck》小鹅和小鸭

158.《Great Day For Up 》向上美好的一天

159.《Puppy School》 小狗学校

160.《Bug on a rug》地毯上的小虫

161.《Pigeon Drive the Bus 》别让鸽子开巴士

162.《Grug and the green paint》瓜哥刷绿漆

163.牛津树系列《Gran 》顽皮老奶奶

164.《The New Baby》新宝宝

165.《Baby Sister Says No》妹妹爱说“不”

166.《The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse》有位画家画了一匹蓝色的马

167.《Little Big》小大

168.《In the Garden》 花园奇遇记

169.《再见了,小鳄鱼!》See you later, alligator!

170.《I Want My Dummy》我要我的奶嘴

171.《Just A Little Sick》小毛怪生病了

172.《how do dinosaurs say good night》恐龙是怎么道晚安的

173.《The Little Mouse, The Red Pipe Strawberry》小老鼠,红草莓

174.《School Bus Trip》小猪佩奇之坐校车去旅行


176.The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle好饿好饿的毛毛虫绘本与教学资源汇总

177.《Daddy Pig's Old Chair》小猪佩奇之猪爸爸的旧椅子!

178.Green Eggs And Ham【绿鸡蛋和火腿】

179.《Stone Soup》石头汤


181.《When I Get Bigger》当我长大了

182.《A Cat in the Tree》树上的猫

183.《A Picnic In The Rain》雨中的野餐

184.《Kate's Game》大象凯特的游戏

185.There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly 吞下苍蝇的老奶奶

186.Ten tiny toes十个脚趾头


188.《I Want to Do It by Myself!》我想自己做

189.《Farmer Dan's Ducks》农夫 Dan 的鸭子


191.《I Want My Dummy》我要我的奶嘴

192.廖彩杏系列《Five Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree》五只小猴子坐在树上

193.《If You Take A Mouse To School》如果你带老鼠去上学


195.《The Goat in the Garden》园子里的山羊

196.粉红猪系列S1-28:《 My Cousin Chloe》柯洛伊堂姐






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